Emirates drops trips to Ghana endlessly

Wednesday 12th of June 2024

Emirates drops trips to Ghana endlessly

Emirates Airlines has broadened the underlying 48-hours restrict for departures from Accra to Dubai endlessly.
"Emirates flight suspension from Accra to Dubai powerful December 27, 2021, is currently reached out until additional notification," the aircraft said in its critical transmission shipped off exchange accomplices on Tuesday, December 28, 2021.
The aircraft, in any case, expressed Dubai to Accra flights will, nonetheless, go on for travelers holding affirmed appointments and meeting the passage prerequisites for Accra.
The carriage of travelers to and from Abidjan has likewise been suspended.
The suspension of flights, AviationGhana sources say, is connected to the rising number of positive COVID-19 cases recorded on outbound flights showing up in Dubai from Accra and Abidjan.
On Monday, December 27, 2021, Ghana authoritatively entered its fourth rush of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a record number of positive cases recorded.