We really want legitimate answer for adolescent pregnancy - MPs 

Wednesday 26th of June 2024

We really want legitimate answer for adolescent pregnancy - MPs 

The Parliamentary Caucus on Population and Development and the Parliamentary Youth Forum have communicated worry about the high rate of young pregnancy and focused on the requirement for the nation to declare laws to control the danger. 

The Members of Parliament (MPs) demonstrated that the insights delivered by the Ghana Health Service that 2,865 young ladies between10 to 14 years and 107,023 young ladies matured 15 to 19 got pregnant in 2020 was stressing and required the critical order of laws to manage high school pregnancy. 

They especially noticed that to have 2,865 young ladies between 10 to 14 years getting pregnant when the nation has a law that says having intercourse with a young lady under 16 old enough is debasement implied that the culprits have not been made to confront the legitimate approvals. 


The lawmakers communicated these worries at a day's commitment on high school pregnancy, family arranging and sexual and sex based brutality held in Cape Coast in the Central Region. 

The commitment, coordinated by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) framed piece of a three-day occasion to make a stage for an answer based discourse among the parliamentarians and young adult young ladies and young men on a quick reaction to teen pregnancy and the job of key partners. 

In his accommodation, the MP for Tema Central, Mr. Yves Nii-NoiHanson-Nortey recommended that any enactment to decrease high school pregnancy, ought to have an arrangement that would hold guardians whose adolescent girls become pregnant responsible. 

As per him, obviously absence of parental control and direction was a critical variable in the high pace of adolescent pregnancies being recorded in the country. 

Young adult Sexual and Reproductive Health 

In a show on the circumstance of young adult sexual and conceptive wellbeing, Mrs. Gifty Ben-Aryee, Programs Head, Adolescent Health and Development of the Family Health Division of the Ghana Health Service said around 14.3 percent of youths in the nation have started kid bearing. 

She said, "out of each 1000 young people, around 70 will conceive an offspring in a year," adding that among the 107,025 teenagers who got pregnant in 2020, under 50 percent got once again to school. 

Mrs. Ben-Aryee said the Adolescent Health and Development program gives precise wellbeing data and sexual and conceptive wellbeing mediations for young people and spoke to the MPs to capitalize on their leverage in the public eye to help the work to diminish high school pregnancy in the country. 


The Minister for Works and Housing and MP for Tano North in the Ahafo Region, Ms Freda Prempeh asked her associates to play a lead job in the promotion to check adolescent pregnancy in the country. 

She further approached them to conceptualize on the best way to team up with different partners to handle issues like, destitution, poor parental control and companion pressure, which are the elements that lead to undesirable pregnancies among young people. 

Ms Prempeh underscored that it was the ideal opportunity for the officials to zero in on endorsing the culprits who impregnate youngsters to fill in as an impediment to other people. 

The MP for Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese, Mr. Elvis Morris Donkor gave the confirmation that the Population and Development Caucus and the Young Parliamentarians Forum, comprised of MPs, matured 45 years and more youthful were focused on resolving the issue of adolescent pregnancy. 

The Central Regional Minister, Ms. Justina Marigold Assan encouraged the Population and Development Caucus to initiate an exchange with the different partners on the best way to viably advance young adult sexual conceptive issues as a way to control adolescent pregnancies. 

Accidental pregnancies 

A Program Analyst with the UNFPA, Dr. Doris MawuseAglobitse said the UN office was stressed over the high pace of young adult pregnancies since unmistakably the greater part of the pregnancies were accidental. 

We are concerned on the grounds that we realize that every one of the juvenile pregnancies are accidental pregnancies. "Greater part may bring about risky labors and the fantasies of these youngsters won't be satisfied," she added 

Dr Aglobitse repeated that the mission of UNFPA mission was to convey an existence where each pregnancy is needed, each labor is protected and each youngster's latent capacity is satisfied, adding that the MPs were 'influencers', with social and moral money to propel issues influencing juvenile young ladies.

  1. author

    Nice idea

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  1. author

    The vulnerable in society are most of the time, the victim. We pray for effective social justice.

  1. author


  1. author

    Okay yeah okay

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  1. author

    All the way

  1. author

    This should be held serious

  1. author


  1. author

    Oh okay

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