Amal Fashanu To Launch Fashion Foundation In Ghana 

Thursday 13th of June 2024

Amal Fashanu To Launch Fashion Foundation In Ghana 

Amal Fashanu 

UK-based TV moderator cum style planner, Amal Fashanu, is set to dispatch her lady African design establishment in Ghana to help the design and inventive expressions industry in the country. 

The Amal Fashanu establishment is pointed toward focusing on tertiary and senior secondary school understudies who have an enthusiasm for globalizing their design inventive works and furthermore urge them to foster their feeling of style and innovative abilities. 

Addressing BEATWAVES in a meeting, Amal Fashanu said her establishment would take advantage of the lucky break to instruct understudies on the significance of moral design, which envelops a scope of issues from maintainable creation practice, eco-accommodating issues, moral strategic approaches, and others. 

She likewise added that the establishment, which will be dispatched for the current year, would assist with supporting the African youngster to be style arranged to satisfy the worldwide guideline and rival different brands on the global market. 

Amal Fashanu is a popular TV moderator, style planner, and correspondence campaigner. In 2012, Amal was welcomed by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, to partake in a highest point examining the issues around fairness in football. 

She is a large group of more than five narratives for the BBC, Channel 4 and has a degree in Communication and Media Studies from Brunel University in London.