Amazingly Akufo-Addo lied again that Ghana is not bringing in tomatoes - Clement Apaak 

Sunday 2nd of June 2024

Amazingly Akufo-Addo lied again that Ghana is not bringing in tomatoes - Clement Apaak 

MP for Builsa South, Clement Apaak has communicated stun at President Akufo-Addo's case that Ghana never experienced food lack even with the pandemic and boundary conclusion. 

Dr. Merciful Apaak said he shouted as loud as possible when he heard the President offer such remarks. 

The official said he could hardly imagine how the President remained before parliamentarians to sell deceptions that Ghana at this point don't import tomatoes when it was the inverse. 

He tested if the president was uninformed of the strike activity by merchants of tomatoes from Burkina Faso following assaults arranged on them by outfitted looters as of late. 

The President in his SONA expressed that Ghana's food flexibility was tried when the Coronavirus infection hit the country, yet we figured out how to rely upon what we delivered here and di not import even tomatoes. 

"Mr. Speaker, our country's food strength has been seriously tried over the previous year. The conclusion of lines, amidst the pandemic, implied that we have needed to rely generally upon food we created. We have fared well considering the present situation, to a great extent because of the intense strategies actualized by Government since 2017, like the program for Planting for Food and Jobs, Rearing for Food and Jobs, the 1-Village-1-Dam activity, 1-District-1-Warehouse strategy, foundation of nursery towns, revitalisation of the cocoa recovery program, and the reactivation of our hydroponics industry. I'm glad to illuminate the House that, during this time of the pandemic, we have encountered no food deficiencies in the country. 

There have been increments in maize and rice yields by every available ounce of effort (every available ounce of effort) and 48 percent (48%) individually. We have, without precedent for a drawn-out period of time, become a net exporter of food, instead of the times of importation of tomatoes and plantain. To be sure, in 2019, we sent out somebody hundred and 40,000 metric tons (140,000 MT) to our neighbors. We are resolved to exploit African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to deliver more in Ghana, to offer more to Africa and past, as we move Ghana Beyond Aid." 

However, in his response, Dr. Apaak said the President has indeed lied about food importation in the nation as he did when he conveyed his last SONA for his initial term. 

"Stunning, NADAA just said again that Ghana doesn't import food things like tomatoes in his location to the country on going before the eighth Parliament. Ghanaians realize we import tomatoes from Burkina Faso! Things being what they are, NADAA is ignorant of the strike by the tomatoes shippers?" 

At any rate 6 brokers have kicked the bucket in thruway assaults while they were in transit to Burkina Faso to purchase tomatoes, a circumstance that constrained the relationship to leave on a strike to drum home their disappointment. 

The Inspector-General of Police James Oppong-Boanuh in February guaranteed tomato brokers and carriers of police and military escort to ensure them against outrageous overpricing. 

Dr. Apaak, in his response, added: "I shouted when I heard the President say that Ghana didn't experience any food lack. Is it accurate to say that he is not mindful that tomato merchants as of late took to the streets? Is it true that he is not mindful that a few merchants were murdered en route to bring tomato into Ghana?? This is stunning, and I figure the President ought to apologize to Ghanaians and the merchants for selling lies. This isn't acceptable. He is the President and ought not sell lies".




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