The main obstacle for the NDC is Bawumia, the former chairman of the NPP.

Thursday 13th of June 2024

The main obstacle for the NDC is Bawumia, the former chairman of the NPP.

Former New Patriotic Party (NPP) Constituency Chairman for New Juaben North, Kwadwo Boateng-Agyemang, expressed his belief that Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia poses a significant challenge to the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

During an appearance on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme, Boateng-Agyemang responded to the criticisms directed at Dr. Bawumia by the NDC in anticipation of the 2024 general elections.

He asserted that the Vice President is the NPP’s “biggest problem” and emphasized that he is likely to become the automatic flagbearer for the party.


According to Boateng-Agyemang, “Bawumia is the NDC’s biggest problem, and that is exactly what they will face. Bawumia will go head-to-head with John Mahama and emerge victorious in the elections.”

He highlighted the NDC’s focus on Dr. Bawumia during the 2020 general elections when the contest was primarily between former President John Mahama and President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

The former New Juaben North Chairman of the NPP suggested that the attacks on the Vice President should serve as a signal to NPP delegates that he is the party’s best choice for retaining the seat. He stated, “Ghanaians have more trust in Dr. Bawumia than Mahama due to his impressive track record as President. Mahama has nothing new to offer.”

Please note that the rewritten version of the news story is based on the information provided and does not reflect my own opinions or beliefs.