VAR introduction ought to be supported, says Randy Abbey

Thursday 13th of June 2024

VAR introduction ought to be supported, says Randy Abbey




Executive Council Member of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), Dr Randy Abbey, says the introduction of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) in the Ghana Premier League must be encouraged.

The VAR has been widely accepted worldwide since its introduction by FIFA and UEFA to help fight mistakes by match officials.

And according to the Heart of Lions President anything that will help minimise mistakes in the local game should be encouraged.


He added that the introduction of the VAR will give referees a second chance to see incidents they have made decisions on in split seconds but added that the VAR will not completely eradicate refereeing controversies in the league as can be seen in the Premier League.

Randy Abbey

Randy Abbey

“Anything that would be introduced which is capable of minimizing the mistakes must be encouraged,” he told Asempa FM on the Sports Nite Show.

“At least for some key decisions, there would be a second eye but that alone can’t eradicate controversies as we’ve seen in other competitions like the English Premier League,” he added.


The GFA, before the start of the ongoing 2022/23 Ghana Premier League, announced that there are plans to introduce the VAR.