Lady murdered in fight over man, 3 on remand

Sunday 2nd of June 2024

Lady murdered in fight over man, 3 on remand

For the alleged murder of a 28-year-old woman at Dwinase near Kokotro in the Bekwai Municipality of the Ashanti region, three persons have been held in police prison.

The primary suspect, 25-year-old Mary Akosua Agyemang, is accused of accosting the dead, Vida Ennin, 28, for talking behind her back about a man they had both dated.

On Sunday night, the two ladies got into a fight over who had the right to be the man, an excavator operator,'s fiancée.

Mary allegedly left the fight's scene to acquire a sharp knife. She is said to have come back and stabbed Vida in the face, breast, and hand. She died of bleeding.

The Bekwai police later arrested Mary, also known as Serwaa, together with two others – Felicia Sarpong, 61 years and Ernest Achirem, 63 years – accused of attempting to shield Mary from arrest.

Lady murdered in fight over man, 3 on remand

The deceased Vida Ennin

All three were arraigned before the Bekwai Circuit Court on Wednesday and have been remanded in police custody to assist in investigations.

They are to reappear in court on April 26.

  1. author

    I’ve made a vow never to fight over a man. Rip

  1. author

    Eeeei hmm

  1. author

    Soo sad

  1. author


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