BoG hints of licensing strategy to improve advanced operations of banks 

Wednesday 12th of June 2024

BoG hints of licensing strategy to improve advanced operations of banks 

The Bank of Ghana has implied of plans to establish a permitting strategy towards improving advanced financial activities of monetary foundations. 

As indicated by Governor of the national bank, Dr Ernest Addison, the financial business, as a rule, is quick equipping towards a computerized way to deal with improve administration conveyance. 

"We believe that advanced installment is the best approach and we're taking a gander at the authorizing strategy for computerized banks and its one the things the national bank is dealing with." 

Dr Ernest Addison made this known at a question and answer session of the national bank's 97th Monetary Policy Committee meeting. 

The rise of the Coronavirus pandemic has driven banks to enhance and execute innovation into their every day activities. 

Then, President of the Ghana Institute of Bankers, Patricia Sappor, has additionally uncovered designs to dispatch the Ghana Banking Code of Ethics as a team with the Bank of Ghana, the Ghana Association of Bankers and the Chartered Institute of Bankers. 

"The Ghana Banking Code of Ethics is a cooperation between Bank of Ghana, the Ghana Association of Bankers, and the Chartered Institute of Bankers meeting up with the underwriting of the public authority under ACT 991 to additionally fortify trust in the financial area by method of guaranteeing moral conduct by all staff individuals in the financial area," she prior unveiled.