2023 Financial plan: Look at execution of Bureau orders on use measures

Saturday 27th of July 2024

2023 Financial plan: Look at execution of Bureau orders on use measures

Mr Speaker, as a first step towards expenditure rationalisation, Government has approved the following directives which takes effect from January, 2023:

• All MDAs, MMDAs and SOEs are directed to reduce fuel allocations to Political Appointees and heads of MDAs, MMDAs and SOEs by 50%.

This directive applies to all methods of fuel allocation including coupons, electronic cards, chit system, and fuel depots. Accordingly, 50% of the previous years (2022) budget allocation for fuel shall be earmarked for official business pertaining to MDAs, MMDAs and SOES;


• A ban on the use of V8s/V6s or its equivalent except for cross country travel. All government vehicles would be registered with GV green number plates from

January 2023;

• Limited budgetary allocation for the purchase of vehicles. For the avoidance of doubt, purchase of new vehicles shall be restricted to locally assembled vehicles;

• Only essential official foreign travel across government including SOEs shall be allowed. No official foreign travel shall be allowed for board members.

Accordingly, all government institutions should submit a travel plan for the year 2023 by mid-December of all expected travels to the Chief of Staff;

• As far as possible, meetings and workshops should be done within the official environment or government facilities;

• Government sponsored external training and Staff Development activities at the

Office of the President, Ministries and SOEs must be put on hold for the 2023 financial year;

• Reduction of expenditure on appointments including salary freezes together with suspension of certain allowances like housing, utilities and clothing, etc.;

• A freeze on new tax waivers for foreign companies and review of tax exemptions for free zone, mining, oil and gas companies;

• A hiring freeze for civil and public servants

• No new government agencies shall be established in 2023;

• There shall be no hampers for 2022;

• There shall be no printing of diaries, notepads, calendars and other promotional merchandise by MDAs, MMDAs and SOEs for 2024;

• All non-critical project must be suspended for 2023 Financial year


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