Video chief uncovered models who play with artistes after shoot

Saturday 28th of September 2024

Video chief uncovered models who play with artistes after shoot

An unmistakable video chief, Kofi Awuah, has uncovered a few models who end up in bed with artistes after music video shoots.
Offering the remarks in a meeting on 321 live with Ike, Mr Awuah said a few models, albeit enthusiastic about their art, play with artistes on set and go further to connect up with them for their own benefits.
He went on about a cases where models who need additional assets to endure work out sexual agreements with artistes past the set.
"They come on set and you settle on a rate or something to that effect and you pay them but since they are doing it because of need or assets to endure they wind up returning home with the artistes."
The explanation, he said, is that the wages offered the models are small, and all reduces to the way that the whole team runs a limited financial plan.

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