We should uphold Green Ghana task to environmental change - Nana Addo

Wednesday 12th of June 2024

We should uphold Green Ghana task to environmental change - Nana Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo says Ghana's wood industry is enduring because of the consumption of the nation's timberland holds.

Nana Akufo-Addo says Ghana has over the most recent 10 years lost north of 100,000 sections of land of regular woods through human exercises.
Talking at the Green Ghana Day occasion, which looks to establish 20 million trees the nation over, President Akufo-Addo encouraged Ghanaians to help the task as it will go far to assist with battling environmental change.
"Over the most recent thirty years alone, the world has lost 1,137,846,602 sections of land of timberland, over 10% of the ongoing absolute backwoods region. Per the ongoing information we have, we are losing 150 sections of land of rainforest each and every moment, 200,000 sections of land a day, and 79 million sections of land a year. Here in Ghana, we have lost around 100,000 sections of land of regular woodland somewhat recently alone. Our wood industry is languishing."
"The woods is likewise home to the greater part of the world's earthly biodiversity and critical to our battle against environmental change. The environment emergency is arriving at a tipping point. We have been encouraged by the ward consent to keep worldwide temperatures beneath 1.5 degrees Celsius."
The Green Ghana Day was presented as a feature of a public afforestation and reforestation program to reestablish the lost woods front of Ghana and to add to the worldwide work to relieve environmental change.

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