Political race 2024: Ghanaians would not pardon NPP in the event that we lose - Chairman

Thursday 20th of June 2024

Political race 2024: Ghanaians would not pardon NPP in the event that we lose - Chairman

The Greater Accra Regional New Patriotic Party (NPP) Chairman, Divine Otoo Agorhom says they stay not set in stone to break the 8.
As indicated by him, Ghanaians won't pardon the NPP in the event that they lose the 2024 general political race.
Given the gigantic work done by the Akufo-Addo government, Mr Agorhom said permitting the resistance National Democratic Congress (NDC) to assume control over will be a blasphemy.
In a meeting on Asempa FM's Ekosii Sen program Friday, the NPP Regional Chairman who is looking for re-appointment said he has taken on another technique in front of the 2024 general decisions.
"I guarantee that there would be an alternate NPP whenever chose again as NPP Regional Chairman. I have gleaned tons of useful knowledge and going ahead things would be unique," he said.
On why the NPP lost such countless seats in the Greater Accra area in the 2020 general decisions, Mr. Agorhom put it on absence of discipline with respect to certain MPS who were additionally Ministers and Deputies.
Notwithstanding, he said given the procedure took on, NPP is ready to win every one of the lost seats in Greater Accra in 2024.

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