ECG prosecutes 1,047 power hoodlums

Wednesday 26th of June 2024

ECG prosecutes 1,047 power hoodlums

Out of the absolute number of 12,416 clients that took part in power robbery somewhere in the range of 2019 and 2021, 1,047 offenders have been alluded to the legitimate directorate for arraignment, the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has uncovered.
Notwithstanding the power robbery, ECG additionally needed to manage burglary of copper from conveyance transformers, utility posts, transformer oil from invigorated transformers, underground links, upward channels, among others.
These crook acts, it said, in a report have a few unfriendly outcomes including the conspicuous monetary effect, administration interruptions and conceivable risk to ECG staff, general society and people associated with the robbery.
Thus, the power merchant has started sending measures to alleviate the effects of robbery on the organization's tasks are being sent.
They are working with scrap vendors and policing; fencing, admonitions signs, sufficient lighting of establishments, watching and interruption discovery for prevention and the extension of the Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI) to remotely screen the heaps and utilization of high consuming Non-Special Load Tariff (NSLT) for early recognition of burglary.
Framework misfortunes influence intensely on ECG
Additionally, framework misfortunes keeps on being a significant obstacle for ECG.
However different systems have been set up to decrease misfortunes, the organization said it has not had the option to accomplish the commission's benchmark.
The organization's framework misfortunes as toward the finish of 2021 was 29.84%, comprised of 10.55% specialized misfortunes and 19.29% business misfortunes.
Because of this, ECG has set out on a few tasks equipped towards framework misfortune decrease across all functional region of the organization.
A portion of the undertakings to diminish specialized misfortunes incorporate the update of under measured guides; transformer infusions to lessen the length of long LV organizations; overhauling of long rustic and peri-metropolitan essential dissemination feeders from 11 kV to 33 kV; metering of conveyance transformer, sub-transmission and essential dispersion feeders for energy bookkeeping.
Prepaid energy meters have likewise been introduced in significant burglary inclined regions. Unmetered premises are likewise being metered to quantify utilization for charging. Substitutions of broken meters and old electro-specialist meters with shrewd prepayment meters is on course.

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