Transport Minister to meet partners on new truck passages - GRTCC

Sunday 2nd of June 2024

Transport Minister to meet partners on new truck passages - GRTCC

The Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council (GTRCC) has demonstrated that the Transport Ministry is prepared for a three sided gathering including the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) to ponder on a proposition for passage increment.
The three sided is comprised of the Ministry of Transport, Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council and the Ghana Private Road Transport Union.
The General Secretary of the Council, Emmanuel Ohene-Yeboah expressed that the gathering is planned for Wednesday, May 11, 2022.
In such manner, GTRCC, in an articulation dated May 9, asked the overall population and workers to ignore the indicated vertical change of transport passages of 20% by the GPRTU.
This, the gathering made sense of, is on the grounds that "transport passages have forever been haggled for and for the benefit of all administrators by the Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council and the Ghana Private Road Transport Union."
As per the gathering, "no single association or gathering has the ability to decide the quantum of increment with the exception of the two bodies referenced previously."
"We need to repeat that the GRTCC and the GPRTU have not separated from standing conventions for a toll increment, it is, along these lines, outlandish for any gathering of people to rush the interaction to declare admission increment without reference to the standing conventions," a piece of the delivery showed.
The Council likewise encouraged drivers to quit charging the 20% passage increment.
That's what GTRCC noticed "as we go on with the conversation on the proper change, which will be endorsed by the delegates of the GRTCC and the GPRTU and impart something similar to you."

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