I am the Lionel Messi NPP needs to break the 8 - John Boadu

Thursday 13th of June 2024

I am the Lionel Messi NPP needs to break the 8 - John Boadu

John Boadu, NPP General Secretary
The General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), John Boadu has said he is the party's smartest choice in front of the 2024 political decision.
As indicated by him, he has the experience and the enchanted wand to assist his party with breaking the eight.
Talking on Adom FM's Dwaso Nsem, John Boadu said his choice to look for re-appointment as General Secretary is in light of a legitimate concern for the NPP.
He made sense of that, greater part of the ongoing chiefs are standing firm on key government situation - a circumstance he said could influence the NPP's possibilities in the 2024 decisions.
"I wouldn't have look for re-appointment in the event that specific things were set up. Once more, our executive, Freddie Blay isn't challenging, Organizer is presently at lotteries, our financial officer, Abankwah needs to be director and we will have another official applicant, so we basically have an altogether new face," he said.
As far as he might be concerned, the main way the NPP can overcome the resistance National Democratic Congress (NDC) is to have an imposing group driven by him.
Mr. Boadu who depicted himself as the Lionel Messi of NPP said he has the "gravitas to match the NDC boot-for-boot".
"Likewise with Asiedu Nketia, Hudu Yayah, and Ofosu Ampofo among others, you really want someone with that gravitas to manage such a resistance, knows the bearing of the party and can persuade the directing board of trustees on essential matters so you want a Lionel Messi in your group like John Boadu to break the 8," he added.

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