Nana B declares bid for NPP s National Organizer position

Monday 3rd of June 2024

Nana B declares bid for NPP s National Organizer position

The National Youth Organizer for the New Patriotic Party, (NPP), Henry Nana Boakye, has formally reported his offered for the place of National Organizer for the decision Party.
His declaration comes as the Party gears up to choose new public chiefs in front of the 2024 general decisions.
In a press articulation reporting the beginning of his mission as next National Organizer, he expressed that his choice to strive for the position is "commenced on the huge experience and pertinent abilities set I have gained combined with demonstrated history whiles ascending through the positions - from Polling Station, TESCON, Constituency, Region to my ongoing situation as National Youth Organizer."
His mission exercises will begin "this week in Ashanti Region where I will meet recently chosen and selected Constituency Officers for set forth my vision and set of goals as I look to be the following National Organizer of NPP."
He promised to participate in a "absolutely perfect and proper without put-downs or discourtesy or individual goes after at all" sort of mission.
He added that he has extraordinary trust in his history and completely accepts his 10 point well thought out course of action will be sufficient to persuade the electorates to give him the position.
The 10 point well defined course of action recorded under the topic "Key Organization for NPP's Sustained development and achievement" include:
"1. Fostering a comprehensive and Participatory action Master Plan
2. Activity Recapture Lost Seat
3. Key correspondence based on strong association and preparing
4 Resource and Logistic Mobilization
5. A Stronger Volunteer/recognizable gathering Management System
6 Continuous preparation and limit Building Program
7. Exceptional Wings (Youth, Women and Nasara ) Outreach Programs
8. Reinforcing the Party's Membership Drive Efforts
9. Digitization (Operational and hierarchical criticism framework)
10. Reinforcing Diaspora Party Activities and Programs" he said.
"I offer of real value rich and confided in experience in association and administration, and with an unmistakable demonstrated exhibition the authoritative arm of the NPP under my supervision will assist with conveying triumph to our party individuals in 2024," he finished up.

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  1. author

    Good for him

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