Driver and mate confined over wounding to death of KMA security officer

Monday 17th of June 2024

Driver and mate confined over wounding to death of KMA security officer

The Asokwa District Court has remanded into police authority, a 25-year-old business transport driver who is asserted to have wounded a KMA safety officer on different occasions ridiculously at the Kejetia transport terminal on Saturday.

The court has additionally remanded the driver's mate, 19-year-old Festus Adu Gyamfi, as he has been accused of abetment of homicide.

The two are supposed to return under the watchful eye of the court on fourth May 2022.

As per the charge sheet of the police, a showdown followed between the late KMA safety officer, Thomas Yankey, and the driver, Kingsley Amoah after the driver purportedly stopped at an unapproved place.

The Prosecution says the driver then, at that point, went into the Kejetia Market where he purchased a blade and afterward cut the KMA safety officer in the left piece of his chest.

The police say the safety officer was raced to Anwiam Clinic, however was alluded to the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) where he was articulated dead on appearance.

The Ashanti Regional Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Godwin Ahianyo in a prior interview with Citi News, said their starter examinations showed that the KMA safety officer initially harmed the driver and the driver wounded him which prompted his demise.

Showing up under the watchful eye of the Asokwa District Court on Wednesday, the legal advisor for the driver and his mate implored the court to concede his client's bail, however the Magistrate managing the matter, Afia Densi Asare-Kyire denied the application.
The top of the Ashanti Regional Legal and Prosecutions, Chief Superintendent Kofi Blagodzi, addressed Citi News after the court procedures and said the police order is stressed over the many homicide cases being kept in the locale.

"This is the principal case that has preceded the police, and in light of the fact that we would rather not break the established obligatory hours, the 48 hours, we need to put the blamed people under the steady gaze of the court for them to be formally remanded as examinations proceed. One was accused of abetment of homicide and the other with murder. The police is really buckling down in the Ashanti Region to deflect such cases. We will beg the adolescent and drivers to be quiet."

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    Oh wow

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